While Moxie is on hiatus for the rest of this month, I thought it would be fun to dive deeper into the origins of some of the characters! This is some background on Clover! As you can see, her character design has changed in a variety of different ways over the years. Surprisingly, there are some aspects that remained or came back for her final design!
A couple of fun facts about Clover:
- Her name came from a makeshift poll I created on a personal website back in middle school. I had created a digital drawing of a girl with green hair and asked everyone what her name should be. Clover was unanimously chosen! (I wish I had that original digital drawing...)
- Several other Moxie characters have undergone name changes throughout time. Clover is the only one who hasn't!
Check back next week for some more Moxie extras! Regular updates will resume on April 2!